HOW to beat sugar cravings

How to beat sugar cravings

As discussed in our introduction, humans have been categorized as frugivores. This means we are natural sweet-seekers, which is also supported by the fact that we taste sweet on the tip of our tongues.
This should hopefully start to relieve some people of any bad conscience they might have every time they find themselves craving something sweet even after a meal.
Because we are sweet seekers we also have a natural (strong) need for the pleasure the sweet foods give us. This is why you rarely feel truly satisfied even when exceeding your caloric as well as nutritional needs.
Let’s look a bit more into the varieties of sugar cravings and how to solve them, based on 3 categories.
1.       Chemical addiction to sugar
2.       Sweet taste natural craving
3.       Low caloric craving
4.       Under-stimulation / boredom

First we have the really mean one. Chemical sugar addiction can be quite hard to shake because your body has become addicted to the way your body reacts to the simple refined sugars. This reaction is far from natural and therefore hard to replace with a natural and healthier stimulant. How tuff getting out of this addiction is, of course depends on the volume your body has grown accustomed to to.
But there is a way out…
Gradually cutting down on your sugar intake (checking everything you eat for added sugar is vital for your overview) while dramatically increasing your intake of fruit will actually take the edge of your cravings quite rapidly.
Remember that the fruit you eat should be fully ripe. Bananas for example should not be green anywhere but have brown spots. This is when they contain the maximum amount of natural healthy sugars.
Try to vary as much as you can and find your favourite sweet fruits. Don’t be afraid to experiment with tropical fruits that look or smell strange, for example Durians.
If we say a normal size banana has 100 calories and an average size apple approx. 60 calories, you should try and get around 1000 calories of fruit to remove your desire for refined sugar in the beginning. Don’t be afraid that all this fruit will make you fat – It wont unless you have a sedentary lifestyle and eat more than 3000 kcal’s a day.
So try to start your day with a big smoothie (at least 1 liter) of bananas and different frozen berries in your taste… Try for example around 7-8 bananas and a cup or 2 of blueberries and raspberries.
You probably heard it before but nothing beats sugar cravings like exercise… This is an extremely important point and vital to succeeding because muscles work as glands that produce lots of hormones crucial for a body in balance and general well-being. Furthermore your brain is stimulated by the same ‘happy’ hormones as the ones that “over-reward” you when you eat sugars.
Second one (the natural sweet craving) is nothing you should worry about, but instead satisfy – with natural sugars found in fruits. Simple really.
Try and feel what your craving are for. And try to analyze it. Could this craving be satisfies by fruits? Or would you rather have a big greasy chocolate bar? If so that leads us to the last category:
Third one is caused by eating too few calories / nutrients. When under eating your body often searches for something dense in calories – like chocolate. Now instead of giving in to this craving, instead try and eat a big meal of fruits – wait half an hour and then have a very big salad. This will give you both the energy you need as well as nutrients, vitamins etc. Try and stay away from oil. Instead put some avocado (not more than 1 pr. day MAX) or a handful of seeds or nuts. For example pumpkin seeds, almonds, brazil nuts etc. Do NOT overdo nuts. They are very concentrated and will quickly overload your system.
A stimulated brain is a happy brain. We all need healthy, natural stimulants to feel satisfied. Eating is one such stimulant, exercise another, physical pleasures a third, your hobby a fourth, just to name a few examples. Basically anything that makes you happy and you enjoy doing.
To be in a natural balance you to balance the proportions of all these stimulants – and get ENOUGH of them… If not stimulated you will feel a void and sadly this is often filled with unhealthy or too much foods. And as we  know, anything in excess is bad for you. So spice up your live with a varied set of activities you enjoy. And keep challenging yourself both mentally and physically.
To beat a sugar cravings we have to move ourselves “back to nature” to a degree where the body’s natural balance restores itself and cravings fade and disappear. How far you want to go and how successful you want to be, is up to you. Changing something as fundamental as your eating habits is no easy task, but quite possible and comes with great benefits.
Key tips:
  • Replace sugar with natural sugars. Get plenty of healthy sweet foods.
  • Exercise. Various intensity, optimally every day.
  • Meet your needs naturally. Stay stimulated, challenged and entertained.
  • Simply do not buy any sugar products – make sure you always have ripe fruits and perhaps raisins if you should start craving sugar heavily.
A few reminders:
  • Always eat fruits at least half an hour before any other meal depending on the volume.
  • Don’t be afraid to eat a LOT of fruits… Eat until you are truly full and satisfies. If you still crave something else – have some more, then wait 10 minutes.

  • Drink a lot of pure, clean water. Drink half an hour before any meal and not 2 hours after (small sips are ok). This is to avoid diluting the digestive enzymes and juices.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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